Weight loss tracker

Monday, June 27, 2011

Poor Veggies

The scale HAS to be lying....today it said 151! And I had to yank my jeans up the whole walk in to work this morning! Why do I think the scale is lying? Because yesterday was, what I call, a red meat day (or in 17dd terms, a c2 day.) We had ribs on the grill with baked potatos. It was AWESOME! I thought, there is no way after eating this for dinner that I am going to get on the scale and see any movement. In fact, I even thought about not getting on. But as I've said before, I am scale obsessed. I can't help it. Its one of my newest addictions. I guess that out of everything one could be addicted too, getting on the scale is not so bad. I am also now addicted to my Arizona Diet Green Tea. So much so that this weekend, when I don['t get to have it, I could taste it! So for those struggling with the green tea, definitely see if you can find the Diet Arizona. It's EXTREMELY good.

This weekend was full of things to do. Which was also a concern of mine. While I didn't give in to the temptations of candy or festival food, I did skimp on my veggies. My water intake was fine though. But boy, yesterday, I could tell by dinner time that I had not eaten enough veggies or fruits. I had this little headache from lack of "sugar" that I haven't had yet on this diet. That's when I realized I had forgotten to bring those buggers with me. My youngest and I went to meet our newest family member, my sister and her husbands 2nd child. In the excitement to remember the camera, the poor veggies got forgotten on the counter. Oh well. I'm back on track for today!

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