Weight loss tracker

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Not too bad!

After a long weekend, the weight is......146! Can you believe that after a weekend away from a scale and anything healthy that I would only be up to 146! I am shocked! Probably has a lot to do with the millions of miles we walked or all the laughter. It was quite the trip. We had a lot of fun with a few downs. Hopefully nothing to scarring. I had more fun than not so I hope the same goes for the rest of the crew. Tired, very tired. I was going to restart the couch to 5k today but I think I will hold off until tomorrow. I still have 3 days of the week left at that point so I should be fine. I am even more motivated to shed the last 10 pounds than I was before. It's amazing what seeing other people will do to you. I could definitly tell those who worked for there bodies and those who didn't care. As much I want to be one that doesn't have to care or work for it, I am 32 and the odds are stacked against me. So now is the time to work those last pounds off and tone, tone, tone. Wish me luck!

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